Mon 27 Jan
%%%%%% !! Retiring Special !! !! Retiring Special !! %%%%%% - 36
(Orlando, Incall in Kissimmee Pleasant Hill Rd.)
Sun 26 Jan
%NEW NEW PICS% *=*=*=*> HaVe A FrE@kY GooD TiMe AnD lEt Me hElP YoU rElAx 2niGht
(Orlando, *Incall in Kissimmee*Pleasant Hill Rd.)
NEW PICS!! $75 Special *40dd's * HuGe bOuNcY BooTy * MeSmEriZiNg $erViCe * VoLuPtUoUs LiP$ - 36
(Orlando, Incall in kissimmee/PLEASANT HILL ROAD)
AvAiLaBle *** ALL *** NIGHT *** BiG BoOtY EbOnY - 36
(Orlando, Incall in Kissimmee/ pleasant hill rd.)
(((((( 8 pics 2 DiffErEnT l00kS SpEciAlS AnD fRe@Ky gooD TimeS )))))) - 36
(Orlando, *Incall in Kissimmee*Pleasant Hill Rd.)