Sun 26 Jan
I'm Flattered YOU OBVIOUSLY LIKE MY @$$... But Please STOP using My PIC! - 26
(Orlando, Conroy/i-4 exit 78)
7O Specials {EbOnY FrEak} {AmAziNg SkiLLs} {LiPs, TiTs, @$$ & HiPs} {UnLimiTeD PLeaSuReS} - 26
(Orlando, Conroy/i-4 exit 78)
7O specials {ThEsE LiPs ArE AmAziNg!!} { PLEaSuRe LiKe No OtHeR} { CoMe FeeL ThE DiFFreNcE} - 26
(Orlando, Conroy/ I-4 Exit 78)
70 Specials (((EbOnY FrEaK ))) {AmAziNg SkiLLs} {LiPs, TiTs, @$$ & HiPs} {UnLimiTeD PLeaSuReS} - 26
(Orlando, Conroy/ I-4 Exit 78)
7O specials [EbOnY PLEaSuRe { A}{M}{A}{Z}{ing } * {H}{3}{@}{d} & a {T}(i)(G)HT} {K}i(tt)y {C}at - 26
(Orlando, Conroy I-4 Exit 78)
7O Specials ((( EbOnY BoDy )))---> GiViNg * HiM * SoMeTHiNg * He * CaN * FeeL !!! - 26
(Orlando, CONROY RD I-4 EXIT 78)
70 specials {My LiPs ArE AmAziNg!!} {SkiLLed PerFecTioN} {No OtHeR BriNgS THiS KiNd Of SaTiSfAcTiOn} - 26
(Orlando, Conroy/ I-4 Exit 78)
7O specials [EbOnY PLEaSuRe] { @}{M}{A}{Z}{ing } * {H}{3}{@}{d} With A {T}(i)(G)HT} {P}u(SS)y {C}at - 26
(Orlando, CONROY/ I-4 Exit 78- INCALLS)
7O Speci@ls EBONY BODY .... Skilled & Talented ....ThEsE LiPs DoN'T LiE!! - 26
(Orlando, CONROY/ I-4 Exit 78- INCALLS)
7O Speci@ls {HONEY}= {An [E]xPeRi[E]nce That [W]iLL [L]eave [Y]ou [S]peech[L]eSS - 26
(Orlando, Conroy/ I-4 Exit 78)
7O specials {{My LiPs ArE AmAziNgly SkiLLed!!} {CoMe FiNd OuT WhY} {YoU'LL Le@ve HaPPy & D@zEd!}} - 26
(Orlando, CONROY/ I-4 EXIT 78)
7O Speci@ls {HONEY}= {An [E]xPeRi[E]nce That [W](i)LL LeAve Your - 26
(Orlando, CONROY/ I-4 EXIT 78)
7O specials { DANGEROUSLY SkiLLed LiPS}==={TiTs, @$$ & HiPs... SoMeThiNg U WiLL FeeL} - 26
(Orlando, CONROY/ I-4 EXIT 78)
7O Specials EBONY- (s)(u)(p)(3)(r) - (F)(r)(E)(@)(k) - TiTs, HiPs, @$$ & LiPS = U @M@zED & D@zEd - 26
(Orlando, CONROY/ I-4 Exit 78- INCALLS)