Sat 22 Feb
Tue 18 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
💋 💋 Look no further, I'm EXACTLY what your looking for. 💋 💋 100% REAL PICS 👍 UP ALL NIGHT💤 - 27
(Orlando, Mobile)
♥SuPeR SeXy ♥★ BLaZiNg HoT LaTiNa ♥★1OOO% Me Or It's FREE ♥★ PETITE ♥★ SOFT PERKY T!TS♥★ - 25
Super Sexy "Super freak Super Leak. Cashmere Dominican Goddess. - 19
(Orlando, Orlando incalls only)
🍭SWEET 🍬NEW🍬 TREAT🍭⭕️❌⭕️❌ 100% Independent 🔥 D✨O✨M✨I✨N✨I✨C✨A✨N 🔥 BABE!! E❌❌❌OTIC Hottie NEXTDOOR‼️ - 22
(Orlando, In or out)
⏝ ⏠⎠ SUPER SEXY **REAL Pics** Naughty!! GIRL !!!! 100 hr Specials till 5pm - 21
(orlando/winter park/disney/Airport)
Super Sexy "Super freak Super Leak. Luxury the Goddess. 305:986:6688 - 21
(Orlando, Orlando .international dr ,in and out)
@@@ Super sexy Peruvian BLONDE Ready to PARTY Come see me or I'll COME to You!!! All week Boys 24/7 - 24
(Orlando, Orlando FL)
Sweet *Baby *Bella 23 years young, let me take all that stress away gentleman! 407 715 3997 - 23
(Orlando, Orlando ,Altamonte, Sanford and Casslebe)
⏝ ⏠⎠ SUPER SEXY **REAL Pics** !! GIRL !! $80 Holiday Special - 21
(I Drive/ Convention center in/out calls)
**(( Sweet & Curvy Italian Goddess ))** **(( Visiting ))** **(( Busty Hottie ))** **((36DD))** - 18
⏝ ⏠⎠ SUPER SEXY **REAL Pics** Naughty!! GIRL !!!! Low OUT CALL Specials - 21
(orlando/winter park/disney/Airport)
SUPER SeXy _____TIGHT BoDy ________ WET & ReaDy ____4 xXx-RATED ACTION_____LOW RATES_____UP LATE____ - 22
(Incall I Drive---Out calls to All of Orl)
SUPEr ! HOT! —— ((*UPSCALE*!)) ———* GORGEOuS——* SEXY — * 100% KNOCKOUT - 24
(Orlando, Orlando in or out)
@@@ Super SeXySeXy Peruvian blue eyed BLONDE Incall or Outcall All day & night SUNDAY SPECIALS 50! - 24
(Orlando, Orlando FL)
⏝ ⏠⎠ SUPER SEXY **REAL Pics** !! GIRL !! $150 hr Holiday Special - 21
(out call Specials 150 hr)
*° SUPER *° S EXY *° REAL PHOTOS! - 22
Specials‼️ Specials‼️ Openminded Blonde Bombshell‼️ In calls & Out calls Availible‼️ - 25
(, International dr,surrounding areas, Orlando)
STOP! LOOK!..2 Beautiful Sexy Blacks...100% Real...Lets Play! - 21
(Orlando, Orlando Fl Mall and Surrounding Areas)
⎷⎛ Special Price XxX 1/2 Off your Next Vist XxX Special Price ⎷⎛ - 21
(I drive -IN/OUT- Specials)
Specials ~~Specials *75** INCALL SPECIAL ALL DAY 75*** 100% Independent 100% PLEASURE GUARANTEED - 19
! SPECIALS !! Jayda! SPECIALS! PieRced Nipps! AMAZiNG PHAT AZZ-:¦:- My SK!llZ aRe "The BEST! - 23
(Orlando, east orlando +incalls/outcalls)
[[[ *sOoOo SEXY * sO FuN! ]]]] =!! !!= SuPeR = !!ExTREME skiLLs!! (( SExY BLonde )) - 23
(Orlando, orlando in or out)
🎉🎊🎋SPANK ME🎈🎈 ITS MY BIRTHDAY 🎈🎈321-662-2921🎈🎊🎈 - 35
(Orlando, Orl/Altamonte/Casselberry/ LkMry/Longwoo)
√SpECiAlS!Freaky Jayda Up ALL Night PieRced Nipps! AMAZiNG PHAT AZZ-:¦:- My SK!llZ aRe "The BEST! - 23
(Orlando, east orlando +incalls/outcalls)
SPECIALS!! L i V e * O u T * y O u R * f A n T a S i E s {G F E} wEt wEt!! aNy♥ThInG gOeS - 23
💋💋Soft and Sweet Early In Call special💖💖In Call special - 24
(International Drive, Universal Studios, Orlando)
🎉🎊🎋SPANK ME🎈🎈 ITS MY BIRTHDAY 🎈🎈407-373-4488🎈🎊🎈 - 35
(Orlando, Orl/Altamonte/Casselberry/ LkMry/Longwoo)
;;/;;:;:;Spanish butterfly in town for a few days Best deals around%>]~~~} - 25
(Orlando, International drive)
Sq*iRt*r ♫ Sq*iRt*r CuM MAKe mE Sq*iRt*r dAdDy - Sq*iRt*r ♫ Sq*iRt*r ♫
SPECIALS!!! NEW.FACES / DoUble the pleasure double funn! Letus put you at ease! 80 //100 //140// - 21
Sun 26 Jan
Jina's back! LAUREN'S friends contact me. Incall & outcall - 44
(Orlando, DaytonaOrlandoLkBuenaVistaCentralFlCoast)
**JAyDA PriCe BAcK for LiMiTED TImE!!WELL ReVIEwED! GREAT Tits Wit a Booty-:¦: SpECIAlS- 2 - 23
(Orlando, east orlando +incalls/outcalls)
ღ Its ROXY! * SPECIAL! HH: 125 QH:100 * Exotic, Sexy, Energetic,ASIAN TER ID#:149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
ITS ROXY..OrLaNdO's #1 EsCoRt!! FUN, Exotic, Asian W/ Natural 34D's!! 100% REAL PICS!
(East Orlando (In the UCF area))
► ★ *iTs PlAy TiMe BoYs* ★ ◄ SEXY Alexus LAST DAY IN TOWN! - 35
(O..R..L..A..N..D..O ---> INCALLS)
Jaysha's in town Friday only offering INCALL/outcall for 1st time LIMITED openings** BBW - 33
(near universal)
*ITS FOXY ROXY Gentlemen!! Orlando's #1 Escort! Beautiful, Exotic, Young, ASIAN* 100% REAL PICS!! - 18
(East Orlando: (UCF Area))
ღ Its ROXY! *SPECIAL! HH:125 QH:100 * Exotic, Sexy, Energetic,ASIAN TER ID#:149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
Its that time to come furfill all your dream$$$click here to play - 18
(Orlando, Orlando-seminole county-will travel)
Jamaican Goddess°•№➊ ReQuEsTED ) ✰Miss EnVy✰ =CoMpLeTE Ecstacy ** outcalls specials!!!! - 23
(Orlando, altamonte, lake mary, sanford, heathrow)
Jina's back! LAUREN'S friends contact me. Incall & outcall orlando & surrounding areas - 44
(Orlando, internationaldrivedisneyorlandodeland)
Incall next to I-4 $100.00 half hour High Reviews Upscale Location call Nikki 407-280-0912 - 36
(Daytona, NEXT TO I-4 INCALL $100.00 HALF HOUR)
JODIE@NIKI we have Incalls in ORLANDO and DELTONA $180.00 Hour next to-I-4 - 35
(¯ ` ' JAW DROPPING' ´¯) * o * (( PlatinuM** BlondE** BARBIE )) * o * (¯` ' SEXY '
*** It's Sunday Night!! »»» Check Out the SPECIALS!!! ««« Enjoy Your Weekend Right!! ;) *** - 23
INTËRNATIONÄL DRIVÉ /ÇØNVÊNTIØN ÇËNTËR █ █ █ █ 1OO% Rεaℓ Upscαℓε ♥ ßεαuty ♥ αvαiℓabℓε! ♥ █ █ █ █ █ - 23
INCALLS ° *HoT* ° *SEXY * ° * PLAYMATE * ° eBoNy MoDeL 1000% REAL PICS - 20
In n outcalls..... New n town n looking.... Who only looking for a pleasureable time...... Kim is b - 23
(International, Orlando)