Thu 02 Jan
HOT HUNG EXOTIC Cuban/Dominican TS VISITING! 10 HARD FF REASONS 24/7 100% real pic - 18
█▬█ ✪ ▀█▀ _Ⓢ Ⓔ ⓧ ⓨ _ ~~ C✦U✦R✦V✦Y ~~ _ ▀฿ ▄ Ꮭ▀ ✪▄ N▀D ▄€ ▀ _*&*_ ► ฿•U•§•T•¥ ►_ _【WH!TE TS】 ▬▬▬ - 33
(Orlando, Downtown Orlando(SODO) Incalls/outcalls)
►——> > **_ FR€AKY _>_ §A§§Y _ & _ ALWAY§ _>_ CLA§§Y!! _ **> > >————► (CLICK H€R€!) - 29
(Orlando, downtown incall/ outcall)
You know you loved the way I tossed you around the room like a skinny little Ken doll Mik3300 - 19
[×X×] WILD [×X×] SEXY [×X×] HOT[×X×] BRUNNETTE [×X× - 22
80h/h-80H/H - SLUTTY blonde SLUTS 80h/h snOW Bunnie with SWEET HUNNEY ~*~*~*~eighty half - 21
(I dirve / sandlake)
%%%%% Unforgettable $45 SPECIAL!! Smaller BBW!! Let ME PuT a Smile on Your Face %%%%% - 36
(Kirkman Rd. & Major Blvd. $45 Incall!)
THIS BEAUTY u can't RESIST!!!! Sexy * *brunette*** * BOMBSHELL* * !!! My skills will DRIVE u CRAZY! - 25
(Orlando, Sand lake)
°•°•°•°•°• super Hot Blonde °•°•°•°• °•°•°• outcalls only - 21
(Orlando, orlando I Dr Altamonte outcalls)
`````` ```````` SUPER ````` ````;'; HOTTTTT ;'; ```````` ````` INCALL ``````` ``````` - 23
(ORLANDO airport ;'';';)
♡♥♡♥¤Super Hottie* Personality with a sexy body♡♥♡♥.... COLLAGE HOTTIE - 24
(Orlando, east orlando ucf safe incall airport out)
SPECIAL!! SPECIAL!! ( 70** // 90 // 150 FH ) -- NOW THESE ARE THE BEST around - check ME out. - 22
(maitland // lee rd)
Sincere Good Girl Gone Bad outcall/Incall special only Im waiting Fellas - 21
(Orlando, International)
****Sexy FReaKY TreAsuRe FoR YoU**** Incalls321nine4 eight89 five7 - 25
(Orlando, Orlando eastside ucf area incall only!)
»»»Sexy Exotic Hot Body!! Look Inside...I've Dis Your Ultimate Fantasy...««« - 35
(Orlando, Kissimmee, Orlando)
PreTTy Y0uNg aNd Sw3et..Ms.Sweetie Let$ Pl@y - 21
(Orlando, Orlando, orlando outcalls great incall s)
Question: WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH ALL THIS BOOTY IN FRONT OF YOU??? -- 80 incall specials -- A MUST SEE - 21
*Private *Classy *Sexy* Safe* ASIAN *Clean *Independent *pretty *Sweet*Sensuous *Busty - 26
Orlando's Mature Redhead Lake Mary/Sanford $165 Incall til 5/21, Outcall available - 39
(Orlando, Lake Mary/Sanford/Orlando/Disney/Hotels)
----OrLanDo*s BaDDeSt---- ★N a u G h T y★---- PeRfeCt BoDy ------ - 20
(Orlando, Florida Mall)
Orlando's Mature Redhead, $ 135 til 1/31st, CC accepted, Sanford Incall & Outcall - 38
(Orlando, Downtown Sanford or your place)
NEW♥ —S———— U———— P———— E———— R————— **♥** ————— H——— O——— T——— T— ♥ NEW - 21
!*!*!*! 0HH baby.. cUm geT WhaT u WAnT.. 10000% nAuGHtY Bl0Nde vixen ..* HurRRY* 60 60 60 60 speciaL - 21
(international Dr/ sand lake)
¯`'•.¸ ?¸.•'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'•.¸? ¸.•'´¯ 80 special - 22
2 GirLS LeXIE & REBECCA GeT dWn & DiRTY... c0Me Get iT.... The BesT iN FL0RIdA... BEST BlondE DUO - 21
(I dirve / sandlake)
Let~**~ Me Be ~*The *~ One You ~*-:¦:-Call :*:•. ♔•:* Exotic Sicilian!!!!! #1 Provider - 23
_________ _________ LET ___________ ME __________ CATER ____________ 2 __________ YOU ! - 20
°L°_°E°_°T° ___ °M°_°E° ___ °B °_°L°_° O° _°W° ____ °Y°_°O °_°U °_°R ° __ ° M°_ °I° _°N°_D - 22
SPECIAL specials/hurry b4 it's 2lAtE 80 kiss 8OH/H 30 mINS /sexy HORNY barbie...HURRY im up late - 21
(i drive// sandlake)
:¦: :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: :¦: NEW - 22
(U N I V E R S A L S T U D I O S)
{ I'LL KeEp EvErYtHiNg WiDe*OpEn 4u}♥JuIcY 80/hhr SpECiaLs ♥{ FrEaKy DoMiNiCaN ChIC } - 25
If your looking for Quality instead of Quantity then call me 1000% Asian!!!! - 22
(Orlando Incall/Outcall)
{I'm ReAdY} ° ★ LoOk > @ * TiGhT * SwEEt DoMiNiCaN FrEaK {SpEcIaLs} ★° {CaLL NoW} - 24
HUMPDAY $pecials: I SCReaM.. U SCReaM we ALL SCReaM iTs WeDnEsdAy! So whEN u WaNNa SCReaM )) IN:$70 - 21
*°★°* HiGhLy SkIlLeD *☆*°★°*☆* Super Soft Booty *°★°*☆ DANGEROUS L!Ps*°★°*☆80$ - 19
(Orlando, conroy)
Fantasy ... Fetishes ... ;) Couples .... Girl's With Skills are hard to find B-) B-) B-) - 31
(Treasure Coast, port st lucie... stuart & jupiter...vero)
Come get devoured by kitty the cougar 🐯incalls calls only 100 p hr - 51
(Orlando, Orlando. State Rd 50)
Big''Booty ,,,,,Ebony Princess 100% real pix..Thick girls just want to have fun ;-)In call/outcall - 20
::::: bEst bLoNde oN BacKpaGe .:. .:. Come treat yourself to this DELICIOUS sweetness.. JuSt 4 YoU ! - 21
(I DRIVE / sand lake)
!__ *BeInG* __!!__ *ThIs * __!!__* BaD *__!!__ * FeELs* __!!__* So0* __!!__ *Go0D* - 21
(Orlando incall's & outcall's)
$$80$$80$$ *SpEciAL* BrAiNs, BeAuTy with a Smoking hot BODY! - 19
(Orlando, CONROy/MiLLENiA MAll upscale)
80 SpECiaL .! GorGEoUS, PetitE BeaUTY 100% R3al PiCs 💋 cOme see What YOu've MIssINg - 20
(Orlando, CONROy/MiLLENiA MAll upscale)
$80 Attention Pretty Red °Sexy °☆ ° Exotic ° ☆° SpanIsh 100% PICS 407-309-0752 - 19
(Altamonte Springs 436 exit 92)
70 SpECiaL * GorGEoUS, PetitE BeaUTY 100% R3al PiCs 💋 cOme see What YOu've MIssINg - 20
(Orlando, CONROy/MiLLENiA MAll upscale)
•♥• 80$ incall special •♥• Beautiful •♥• Busty •♥• Blonde •♥• Bombshell 80$ deal in call - 28
(Orlando, Florida mall, OBT)
$70 Special Barbie °Sexy °☆ ° Ex-Porn Star° ☆° 100% PICS in/out-calls 850-345-2258 - 20
(altamonte springs/orlando in/out-calls)