Mon 06 Jan
💋💋🍒🍓60$ sPeCiaL!! LeT Me ⏬⏬dO iT DaddY😘💦💦 W*t dReAm🌠!!!💧🍑🍉💧 - 21
(Orlando, Ucf area (Incall only 💋💋))
$100💛 All Natural💛💛💛 Blonde Beauty💛💛💛 Girl Next Door💛💛💛 No Drama💛💛💛 - 23
(East Orlando Ucf Area discreet Incalls, Orlando)
Dont Cheat Yourself👌😁💯 Treat Yourseld😈💦💋 New In Town🙊👑👯 - 23
(Orlando, Alafaya and East Colonial .. UCF Area)
Destiny >>>> Young >>>> Hot >>>> Ready >>>> 55$ Morning special - 23
(Orlando, East Orlando/UCF Area)
Gorgeous Young FF Hung Young Chloe (UCF) Available! 100%Real And Recent Pics 407-580-0254 - 22
(Orlando, Orlando, FL)
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ bOmBsHeLL █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃Colombia TS-Girl SuPeR SeXy - 29
(Orlando, Orlando, Orlando UCF area)
♥··· t h e * G I R L * N E X T * D O O R ~ P L A T I N U M * B L O N D E * S W E E T H E A R T - 22
(Orlando, East Orlando/UCF Area)
*Sweet *Petite *Sexy and full of fun! Stop looking, because you found the one** - 23
(Orlando, East Orlando (UCF area))
sweet treat))) ** Hott BUSTY 36DD 100% FreakY BLONDE BOMBSHELL ((((((AVaiLaBLe NoW))))))) - 29
(Orlando, Incall UCF area hotel /outcall)
SeXXii & SeDuCTiVE... rEaDy FoR sOme FuN... aVaiLaBLe 24/7 - 26
(Orlando, UCF area/ East Colonial/East Orlando)
💋Sexii Thick Beautiful Redd 💋Readii To Have Some Funn💋 ( : 💋Incall 50$ Specialss Going On So Hmu💋 - 19
(Orlando, Ucf Area East Side)
Serenity ~ Hot ~ Super Sexy Brunette ~ ~ Safe and Clean ~ 24/7 Available Now - 23
(Orlando, East Orlando/UCF Area)
ITS FOXY ROXY Gentlemen!! Orlando's #1 Escort! Beautiful, Exotic, Young, ASIAN* 100% REAL PICS!! - 18
(East Orlando: (UCF Area))
Everything You've Ever Wanted💋 SweetAriel💜💚50 qv Friday 💥Specials 💥 (407)953-8784 - 25
(Orlando, Ucf area)
💋💰EX DANCER gone Wild 🍒 pure pleasure Tried the rest?💎Experience the BEST💕💍 - 25
Ex dancer gone WILD... Come play with me... Specials All NIGHT - 25
(Orlando, Orlando university blvd ucf area)
BAYWATCH © ( BUSTY) © • Fetish Friendly > ADORABLE ASIAN, Complete! :) - 28
(Orlando, East Orlando UCF Area & Outcalls)
♥BAYWATCH ( BUSTY) ♥ © • Fetish Friendly > ADORABLE ASIAN, Complete W/ Apple Bottom! - 29
(Orlando, UCF AREA (University Blvd) & Outcalls)
VOLUPTOUS° Certified Freaky 50" Azz PERKY Double D's Specials - 27
(Orlando, Ucf Area * Incall SPECIALS *)
****Sexy FReaKY TreAsuRe FoR YoU**** outcalls321nine4 eight89 five7 - 25
(Orlando, Orlando eastside ucf area incall only!)
ღ ROXY! * SPECIAL! HH:130 Roses * Exotic, Sexy, Energetic, ASIAN TER ID#: 149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
★ ★ S E X Y ★ ★ - 24
(Orlando, UCF/University Area)
♥ ✰ Naughty Nikki Young, Hott, & Ready✰ ♥ 70/80/100/160 INCALL - 22
(Orlando, UCF area- INCALL ONLY)
💮 [√¡ρ ρℓαγmα†ε] 💮 —💖💖 ✨Extremely Gorgeous✨ 🏆Upscale Provider💍 💖 💖 Look No Further - 25
(Orlando, In // Out .... ORLANDO...UCF AREA)
Meet with Suzy (.) com Ucf Student needs help to pay Student loans - 21
(Incall / east colonial dr Ucf area, Orlando)
Brand New Red Hair! > ★ . •: * •●❣ ● ❥YOUR❥ * •●❣● ❥DREAM ❥ * •●❣● ❥GIRL❥ *•●❣● ★ - 22
(Orlando, UCF Area & Outcalls)
Sun 05 Jan
++BeFoRe WoRk ****TotAl Full BoDy SrEss ReLievE MaSsAgE YoU DeSeRVe IT!!++ - 32
(east colonial/ucf area, Orlando)
🎀You Only Live Once🎀 Tiffany For Those Who Play Nice🎀 - 21
(Orlando, Ucf ~East Orlando ~Waterford Lakes Area)
•your FANTASY girl» Platinum blonde~Blue eyed~perfect HOURGLASS *AVAILNOW *p - 22
(Orlando, East Orlando/ UCF Area)
Up Late? Call RENEE!!** 140 VIP SPECIALS All Night ** PICS via TEXT - 25
(Orlando, UCF area east Orlando)
👌🏾Upscale Playmate👄💛 Specials💃🏾Beautiful Ebony👑 Slim💚 Thick💖 Tight👀..Phat🐱💦💦BLK🍒 - 24
(Orlando, Incalls Only East Side UCF Area)
UCF HOTTIE / ♡♥♡ look at me I am so hot come see me Tonight ♡♥♡·upscale provider - 24
(Orlando, UCF area E. Orlando in/outcall)
👑Thickness👑💕💞 JUiCy BoOoTy💕💞 Come 👀 What this 👅do💝 Gentlemans 👔Choice💎 80qv/150hh - 21
(Orlando, UCF Area/East orlando/Univ♡INCALLS Only♡)
♡Sexy KRISTINA♡ *120 Incall SPECIAL * I got What You are Craving *A Night You'll Never Forget - 25
(Orlando, university blvd East Orlando fl)
★ RoXy___SEXY___ ENERGETIC___ FIESTY ___ASIAN ___CheckMY GREAT ReviewsTER ID#: 149607★ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
ღ ROXY SPECIALS!! HH:125* QH:100 * Exotic*Sexy Fiesty*ASIAN TER ID#:149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
#Petite barbie#Ucf Area!! Incalls only !!! playground is ready for use :) call now im available - 21
(Orlando, ucf area /alafaya)
*Orlando's finest LaTiNa *top of the line ! UcF area ! Incalls ! Call for specials :-) - 19
(Orlando, Ucf area / alafaya)
o_0_o_0_o_0 I Do Stuff That Your Girl WISH She Could 0_o_0_o_0_o TUESDAY $80 SPECIALS 4 U 2day ONLY - 19
(University Blvd - UCF IN/ OUT 2 u 24/7**)
👌La'Lani 4 Limited Time💯ME🎆🚧🚨Incall🏩60 Spec.Beautiful Ebony🚧🚨🎆..Sweet Round🍫🍑Bottom👏👌 - 24
(Orlando, Incall UCF✈✈Area)
Its Roxy Baby! Ask About New Client SPECIAL! TRY*ME*NOW Im an Exotic,Young, ASIAN* 100% REAL PICS! - 18
(East Orlando: (UCF Area))
I GOT The Juice💦💦All Day $60 Specials😍😍😍 💲💲 100% Real... Stop taking chances with Fakes😝!!! - 21
(East colonial dr/Alafaya/UCF Area, Orlando)
++HuRrY Up AnD TrY ThE nEW TeChNique Called HeAdAChe ReLiEf,Quit seTtling 4 less,CoMe GeT ThE BeSt! - 32
(Orlando, east colonial/ucf area)
Brand New Red Hair! > ★ . •: * •●❣ ● ❥YOUR❥ * •●❣● ❥DREAM ❥ * •●❣● ❥GIRL❥ *•●❣● ★ - 22
(Orlando, UCF Area & Outcalls)
beautiful face sexy body new face in area €ast Orlando check me out 2girl - 25
(Orlando, Ucf area east orlando your place or mine)
💋60$PeCiAls!! LeT Me ⏬⏬dO iT DaddY😘💦💦 jUsT hOw yOu LoVe it!!🌠!!!💧🍑🍉💧NONrushed💖 - 21
(Orlando, Ucf area (incall only 💋💋))
$60 INCALL SPECIAL$$ BusTy BruNeTTe BoMbSheLL $$ 100% ReaL PiCs. ° ❀° - 27
100% freak **♥** Busty BLONDE* *♥** ,plump AZZ. Do not miss you chanc - 27
(Orlando, UCF area / e. orlando incall)
+++AfTeR WoRk TotAl Full BoDy SrEss ReLievE MaSsAgE YoU DeSeRVe IT!!++ - 32
(east colonial/ucf area, Orlando)
Gorgeous Young FF Hung Young Chloe (UCF) Available! 100%Real And Recent Pics 407-580-0254 - 22
(Orlando, Orlando, FL)
" Sexy & Juicy TAN SEXY REDHEAD!! IN AND OUT calls!! SPECIALS!! PICSviaText - 24
(Orlando, UCF area)