Sat 04 Jan
This is a very Sensual Tail ----> Mature 46 - Kissable - very affectionate - Leggy Orlando Lady - 46
(Orlando, My garden of lust - - - - North Orlando)
The Weather Is Droppin && So are my Rates ____ ***Let Me Warm You Up *** ______ - 19
(Discovery Cove/ Sea World/ Idrive/ Incal)
*NaStY*{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *WeNsDaY*{I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
**Naughty, Nice & Ready 2 Play** 🚗Incalls & OutCalls🚗 - 22
(Orlando, Casselberry Altamonte Apopka, Lk Mary)
Ms. Chyna 🌹 Asian • hawaiian 💯 Real upscale beauty 🌹 STOP BROWSING ✋ - 20
(Orlando, Orlando/All Over)
Hot & Sexy T-Girl Visiting!!!! 100% Real Pics!!! What You See Is What You Get!! Guaranteed! - 22
__________ ✘♥✘♥ ✘♥✘♥ - - HONEY BLONDE - - ✘♥✘♥ ✘♥✘♥ - 31
(Orlando, Airport ___ Semoran (528 & 436)♥)
Hey There Gorgeous - When the mice are away...This redhead will Play! - Its Kat and I am ready. meOW - 36
HOLY F*CK Italian HOTTIE Danielle ***JusT TuRNeD 18! ***SPEICALS HERE - 18
(Orlando (off international))
Hi Boizzzz, Special, specials, specials, let's party! 😘😘😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉🎉 - 21
(Orlando, Altamonte, Lake Mary, Heathrow)
Happy thursday me on down to the candi shop ask about the great candi sale hurry while supplies last - 28
(Orlando, east Orlando area)
Blue Eyed Bombshell Ready to Party with You! Available all night! **Outcall Specials** - 21
(Orlando, convention center/ i.dr, downtown,)
Beauchan ENTERAINMENT company. now HIRING ESCORTS .Caucasian OR Asian,Latin!! - 99
(Orlando, NATION WIDE)
"FLAWLESS ESCORTS" Work and Tour With The Best "FLAWLESS ESCORTS" Make Lots of $$$$ ************ - 38
(Orlando, Orlando Areas)
Fri 03 Jan
This is a very Sensual Tail ----> ----> Mature - Kissable - very affectionate - Leggy Orlando Lady - 46
(Orlando, My garden of lust - - - - North Orlando)
Pssst 😆😄😃IKNOW WHAT YOU REALLY WANT! 99hr ur hotel in30 i TREAT U RITE 407-722-9098 credit cards - 39
(all over orlando area, Orlando)
"FLAWLESS ESCORTS" Hiring Sexy Female Escorts ** Work For The Best ** Discreet & Safe** $$$$ - 38
(Orlando, Orlando Areas)
✌ NOTICE SexY LADies ※ UpScale Hotels ₪ Condo's INCALLS DownTown ₪ OUTCALLS .A.S.A.P ✌ - 21
(Orlando, Orlando Incall/outcall ★407-801-9681★)
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G HOT🔥Âb§OLut€Ly ]☆° [══ÂmÂzInG===] BLONDE BUNNY °[ PLÂ¥MÂT€][ 1OOO% ReAL - 28
(Kissime, Orlando)
✔Sexy 🏅sweet 🗝funSiZe🔝HIGHLY SKILLED reviews🔙Upsc@le 🎀HOTTI€✔kinky Ebony Barbi£💋 LETS Party 🏅 - 23
(Orlando, Your place Tonight😗)
Mature Kissable Leggy Lady -----> Sexy ----> Sensual ----> Seductive ----> Pleasure Trip - 46
(Haley's Garden of Lust, Orlando)
Meet local singles and swingers for real-life erotic encounters
(Daytona, Orlando, Space Coast, Treasure Coast)
It's Lovelee Day in Orlando**Strawberry Blonde MILF*Kiss & Cuddle**Search Email Well Reviewed on T3R - 50
(Orlando, Orlando near Airport)
Do you like to get spoiled with relaxing massage, enema or manscaping? Click HERE!! - 45
(I-Drive, Orlando)
🎥WebProof NewPic DntMiss SupaThick 🔥XRATED A1Stick🍆A1Mouf 👄Passable 👍Professional 💓Discrete - 28
(international, Orlando)
!!@@The ultimate fantasy is just a click away!!@@ ***TS Kristina and Courtney*** - 22
(Orlando, panama city beach!)
NEW PICS! *PeTiTe SmOOth* Blonde•Blue Eyed Shemale! CoMe KiCk BaCk & ReLaX! - 22
(Orlando, East Orlando)
BRENDA Ts 100% real please google my reviews . Be Careful a lot fake add I'm 100%real lets play - 24
(Orlando, Int drive /sand lake rd)
YOUR NEW -:¦:- # ❶ ADDICTION ! __ U WILL __ NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME ღ SPECiALS ღ - 22
XXX HotTie Tia Love VISITING 8A-9P last 28th BaNgBrOs ReAliTykings GFE/PSE ★ - 21
XXX HotTie Tia Love VISITING 26th - 28th BOOK NOW:) BaNgBrOs ReAliTykings GFE/PSE - 21
💎💎$uUpEr!!FUN!!... @ww...$ome P£r$oN@liT¥💁💋💋#Call NOW!! - 24
(Orlando, Orlando,Idirve, seaworld area)
Two Girls * * OOOoooH SOOoo SexXxY * * * * * { SuPeR--NAuGHTy } ---------- We WaNTS tO PLaY - 21
(I drive in/out)
° :: THE RUMORS R TRUE! :: ° :: PREGNANT WOMEN :: ° :: R THE WETTEST!! :: °150 FLAT FEE - 24
"There's no such thing as too much tongue " -------> Sexy mature Kissable leggy Orlando escort - 46
(Orlando, My garden of lust new incall N Orlando)
TODAY'S SPECIALS* 100 % R e A L ! * *HoTT SExXi * BaBe* -----*80 qk* *100 hh* *140 hr* - 21
(I drive/Universal/Airporl/Disney/downto)
🍒 √ tHis BooTy OuT TonIght** Hot Sp€©i@!$ *BeaTiFuL BLonDe WhiTe GirL* AMAzinG EroTiC Xperience - 24
(Orlando, i4)
There's no such thing as too much tongue - - - Mature Kissable leggy Orlando Escort - 46
(Daytona, Haley's garden of lust in Orlando)
{{ SuPeR 80 LoAd~SpEcIaLs }} ♥ FrEaKy DoMiNiCaN GuRl ♥ {{LeT Me Su*Ck u DrY}} - 25
⏝ ⏠⎠ SUPER SEXY **REAL Pics** !! GIRL !! $150 hr Out Call Holiday Special - 21
(I Drive/ Convention center in/out calls)
(¿) SoMeThinG _ YoU _Truly _ HaVe _ tO _ eXpErieNcE (¿)
(incall/or outcall 24/7 100% independent)
sOoo...NaStY !!..Soo... *sWeeTt *{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN* *MoNdAy* "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25