Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Sexy Full Figured Bombshell at Your Service ~ Hugs & Kisses ~ $pecials!! - 25
(Orlando, Incall/Outcall)
SeXy ExoTiC BaRBie DoLL!! 100% Real Pics!! SuPeR HoT & Ready!! 100% ReaL Pics!! - 24
(incall / outcall orlando area)
NeW*¨¨*T A L E N T E D*¨¨* ___NeW___ o°-:¦:- o° -:¦:- BEAUTY-:¦:-°o -:¦: - 18 - 18 - 18
New to Orlando 😁❤💋Busty Blonde Bombshell *reviewed* reputable - 24
(Orlando, I Drive / city walk / Orlando)
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ How about a sexxy Blonde ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ { incall outcall } up late to night
(orlando/ wintersprings)
░░░░░░❀✿✿✿✿Cherry Blossom Massage And Spa✿✿Grand Opening✿✿Sexy Asian Massage!!!✿✿✿✿❀░░░░░░ - 26
(Orlando, Orlando Incall Spa✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿)
!!! $75 SpeCiAl All NigHt !!! (((BiG Booty AND bOObiEs))) *%*%*%* GUARANTEED FUN *%*%*%* - 36
(Incall & Outcall! Mature w/Specials!)
▓█ JUST ❶ WORD ▓█ G ▓█ O ▓█ R ▓█ G ▓█ E ▓█ O ▓█ U ▓█ S ▓█ EXOTIC PLAYMATE AVA ▓█ 321@209@2126 - 24
(Orlando, OUTCALL to ALL Areas)
**♥** Fantasy or 2 Girls ? VIP PROVIDER 4 THE UPSCALE VIP GENTLEMEN OutCall Specials - 19
(.)(.)_ EROTIC - 5 Star - FULL Friction Body Rubs & Adult Entertainment by: True Hobby Gurlz.......
[[ DATED PICS ]] — [[ 100% REAL ]]————[[ SEXY • THICK ]] —— NO DISAPPOINTMENTS —— ♥ Reviewed - 30
(Orlando, Conroy / Kirkman / Attractions)
(((((( 8 pics 2 DiffErEnT l00kS SpEciAlS AnD fRe@Ky gooD TimeS )))))) - 36
(Orlando, *Incall in Kissimmee*Pleasant Hill Rd.)
321 312 1997 Call Nikki Now...I want to be your dirty little secret... - 32
(Orlando, Orlando International Dr Downtown East/W)
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ♚ ❤ ♚ FREE Table Shower ♚ ❤ ♚ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ♚ ❤ ♚ Sweet Sexy Girls Massage ♚ ❤ ♚ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
(Orlando, Orlando ♚ ♚ ♚ 407-896-1868 ♚ ♚ ♚)
_______~__ LeT __~__ Me __~__ RoCk __~__ YoUr __~__ WoRlD__~_______
(Orlando {International & Kirkman Area})
Now Hiring UBER and LYFT Drivers!!!! Make More Money Tonight!!! 407-724-1825 - 19
(Orlando, 0rlando 407-724-1825)
Tue 07 Jan
Hey Gentleman Latina Mature Lady waiting to meet you! - 47
(Space Coast, Melbourne 192 near Airport)
☆☆ HOT & Tasty Puerto Rican Treat ☆☆100% real Great Reviews ♡ ○° Classy & Discrete○°♤ - 25
(Orlando, Mccoy rd Orlando airport In calls& out)
***¥¥¥¥Real as it gets¥¥¥ S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S all. morning!!!! Im Miss Chicago. N€W but Very £xp£rienced - 22
(Orlando, orange blossom)
New!!! BBW LOVERS ONLY🌟BLACK &INDIAN; BBW Real Adult Film Star🌟!! 😜💦60inches Azz The Sexiest BBW - 25
(International drive 5⭐upscale location, Orlando)
HOTT and REady To Satisfy... Fun FLiRTY girls Let us go beyond your wildest Desires - 23
(Orlando, Near Airport/sandlake/mccoy rd In/Out)
💦💙YOuNg☆ KiNkY ☆ Dr!Pp!nG ☆ t!GhT ☆ SeXY☆ FreAK☆ AvAiLaBLe NoW ☆ CoMe PlAy WiTh Me or US☆💦💙💦 - 21
(Fl mall Sandlake 60/100/150, Orlando)
XxX ......... N_I_C_E_ ~~~ Is ~~~ HeRe ...... To ..... R_O_C_K {Your} W_O_R_L_D ....... XxX (120)
*Sexy Tatted *~ Busty ( .)( .) Green Eyed Cutie~ Fun to play with***** - 28
(Orlando, Altamont springs)
D_O_N_'_T ______ P_A_S_S ______U_P _____T_H_I_S ______ L_A_T_I_N_A ________ - 25
80h/h-80H/H - SLUTTY blonde SLUT 80h/h snOW Bunnie with NEW PICS ~*~*~*~eighty half/HOUR - 21
(I dirve / sandlake)
$80 special Bree....Super Sexy....Super Fun...Up Late in calls an out - 23
(Orlando, Orlando in calls an out ;))
»-❤-»ThE BeST Of ThE BeST! »-- ❤ --» PuT My TaLeNTs To ThE TeST »-❤-» - 21
(Kirkman N Outcall Surrounding areas)
(¯`'.SeXy[ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL WaNt Me TwiCe ] ¸.'´¯) SP3C!@LS NoW! - 21
(Orlando, International drive incall)
Ri$3 & sHiN3 💢💢ePeRieNcE oF @ LiFeTiMe💢💢 sWeeT 🍭eXoTiC💦N@UgHtY💋🍫🍫 & M!x3d 🍑 rE@Dy 2 pLe@S - 24
(International drive, Orlando)
HeLLo * HeLLo * HeLLo * HeLLo ** InCaLLs ** OutCaLLs * FuN FuN FuN ** SweeT and PleaSing ** SEXXXXXX - 25
Mon 06 Jan
💟💟💟💟💝💝~ Sexy Spanish PlayMate ~💝💝💟💟💟💟 😘ReAdY FoR YouR PleAsUrE💦Upscale✅ 💁🏻 - 22
(Altamonte-Lee rd-Maitland, Orlando)
💕 Nice 💞 Lips👅👄 And TIGHT GRIPS💋💦🍒 CREAMY FREAK🍭🍬🍑READY 4 Slippery💦FUN🌟🎀 (407)588*6822 - 30
(International Drive by Wet n Wild, Orlando)
💖 All GREAT things must come to an end 💖LAST NITE 💖 Sharon💖 386-569-3056 💖 - 48
💋100 percent real latina 💋⚫️💥⭕️ P L A Y ⚫️ W I T H ⚫️ M E ⚫️ I'LL P L A Y WITH YOU 💥⭕️⚫️ - 23
(Orlando, Upscale location / Universal Boulevard)