Mon 06 Jan
150hr - IT's SeXy SaRaH LeE -- WaNnA PlAy??? 321 200 5808 - 25
(Orlando, Sandlake area ( outcalls ))
* ° ° ExOtIc ° ° MINA MONROE * ° ° BeAuTy ° ° MiNa MoNrOe - 30
(Orlando, Incall or Outcall)
💕SUNDAY FUN DAY COME SEE ME !! GREAT SPECIALS call me anytime 386*405*6951Brooklyn💕 - 26
(Daytona, Volusia County)
💟(⭐️(♥✅ REAL GIRL ✅♥ ) ⭐️) :: :: ( ⭐️( ♥✅ REAL PICTURES ✅♥ )⭐️):: :: (⭐️( ♥✅REAL SATISFACTION ✅♥ ) ⭐️ )💟 - 24
(Orlando, Orlando OUTCALLS & INCALLS)
HellO GEntlemeN .Have it Your Way ..MEmoriAl WeeKenD SPeciALS DOnt WaiT !!&407&202&7767& - 18
blonde with a playboy body that will keep you comeing back 18 and ready for that u know - 18
(kirkman area)
Sun 05 Jan
First Time In Orlando - Caramel Cutie Alexis!!! Amazing 38DD & Ready to Please Visiting 19TH-21ST - 21
(incall IDRIVE AREA)
**visiting** from GA- Caramel Alexis 19YRS oLd Amazing 38DD & Ready 2 Please 24/7 Feb 19th & 20!!!
(Incall (Idrive))
v ♥╠╣ot ! !♥•••• ° ♛ BrEaT╠╣TaKiNg ° ° ╠╣E•♥•ART RaCiNg ► █ SWEET & GORGEOUS Bi-RACIAL BOMBSHELL █ - 20
(Orlando, iDrive,Downtown)
*~Saturday Morning~* FuN,FuN,FuN *~* 2 iS AlwaYs Better Than 1~* - 22
(Orlando, North Orlando, North Maitland Area)
N@uGhTY GiRL NeXT DooR **_-**-_** LeT Me GiVE U a MeMORiAL TrEAt!! **-_-**-_-** Sweetest Blonde **-_ - 21
♢new 2 town, sexy young fun baby ♢ Specials 4 weekend! Come play ;) - 21
(Orlando, OUTCALLS/ucf Orl.W.P.airport.Eside.san)
★I GoT SkiLLs & AcTiOn YooU WaNnA C ★SPANISH BEAUTY ★ ★ Slim & SeXy ★ - 21
(Orlando, orlando i drive >>>>incall only)
📷hOt * NeW *PiCs *EaRly♠ InCaLL 🍒 SpeCiaLs 🍒⭐904⭐518 ⭐0965 ⭐ SeXy ❤💋❤ - 30
(Orlando, 💋 ocoee / Disney & Surrounding)
Hot ND sExI OUT OF TOWNER $60 SpecIALS 386 227 6381 - 20
(Orlando, orlando-kirkman/international drive)
CARAMEL HoTiTe Alexis . Im So Horney...9A TO 9P SUN Visiting ORLANDO! * Cum on these 38DD's! - 19
(INCALL -- Outcall Seaworld & Idrive)
💟( ⭐️(♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ⭐️) :: :: ( ⭐️( ♥ ♥ ✅✅ N O W ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) )💟 - 24
(Orlando, Orlando OUTCALLS & INCALLS)
****** E X O T i C ****** H O T T i E ***WANT TO PLAY *******GFE ~~~SPECIAL ALLNIGHT~`
NEW & VISITING »» WHAT »» A »» BANGIN »» BODY »» - 22
(New In TowN) $80 special [Gorgeous] [ Mixed Spanish ] ((1OO% SeXXi )) 407)(485)(1294 - 19
(international drive/Universal studio/i-4)
NEW* BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL* ► ★ CLICK HERE ★ ◄ ^ VIP Experience ! - 23
(Orlando, All Orlando)
It's Hump Day.. Come Party with Me.. I'll make your Day Better ☎Call Or Text me Jade📱 - 18
(Orlando, Maitland area)
available now!!!! always 💦💦 and nasty 🔥🔥is back! come have a ball with me! 🎉 - 27
(International,universal, Orlando)
👍👍➪ Trinity 50/75 Specials Incall Only 100% Me Well Reviewed. READ BEFORE CALLING - 27
(Orlando, Private Secured Location INCALL ONLY)
SeXY BrOWN HoNEY ~ReADY TO RoCK YoUR WoRLD~100% AdDiCTiVE ViSiTiNG **(PSE*/GFE*) Real Pics! - 23
(((★__ORLANDO ___★))) *!!!VISITING ~JAN 29 ,30 &,31~ !!!!★__ AVAiLaBLE !★__ ALL NiTE ★__LoNG!!!!!~~)
******HOT BRAZILIAN GABRIELLA******Visiting Orlando***Last Day Today - 29
(International Drive, Orlando)
Hot and Ready ,New in town so come get what you"ve been missing ...Im not here for long - 22
HEY DaDDY✋🚨✋🚨BIG BOoTY CuTIE🚨✋🚨★ On DuTY★ BeST MOUTH🐱 $60 sloOpY ToPpY🍑 Call ME💦 BABY 24/7🏊 - 24
(Orlando, Incalls.....$60 Specials)
Sat 04 Jan