Tue 18 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
♥SuPeR SeXy ♥★ BLaZiNg HoT LaTiNa ♥★1OOO% Me Or It's FREE ♥★ PETITE ♥★ SOFT PERKY T!TS♥★ - 25
SuPeR ~ slut ~ LATINA ~ freak ~ BACK ~in ~ TOWN ~ all ~ NEW ~ pics ~ LiMitEd TiMe OnLy ~ (specials) - 21
SuPeR ~ slut ~ LATINA ~ freak ~ BACK ~in ~ TOWN ~ all ~ NEW ~ pics ~ DoN't MiSS OuT ~ (specials) - 21
[SuNDaY MoRnInG FuN] (ThIcK & SeXxI CuBaN PriNcEss) °*° - 77
(Orlando, E.Colonial/436 °°°4zero7.two83.29seven9)
STOP STOP STOP ** Blonde Barbie Doll *INCALLS and OUTCALLS *** Sweet and Pleasing *** Want To PLAY?? - 25
Specials!! Wildout Wednesdayz! 50$ Specials! 50$ - 22
(Orlando, Orlando, Downtown, Metrowest, Millenia)
Specials ! Chocolate Playgirls! 50$ Specials! 50$ - 22
(Orlando, Orlando, Downtown, Altamonte, Millenia,)
STOP STOP STOP ** Blonde Barbie Doll * Sweet and Pleasing ** UnRushed Service!! INCALL and OUTCALL - 24
Specials!! Master of Headology! Wild Out Wednesday2 for 1! Specials! - 22
(Orlando, Orlando, Americana,John young, Millenia)
Ssshh... YOUR secret is SAFE w/ me.... I will go OUT of my way 2 PLEASE U!!!!! 100/140 incall - 25
(Orlando, altamonte springs i4)
%%% SPECIALS % SpEcIaLs % specials %%% (: [in call] available 6am-3pm! - 38
(Space Coast, S. Brevard County)
ღROXY! *NEW SPECIAL! HH:130 Roses *Exotic, Sexy, Fun, ASIAN TER ID#: 149607ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
Sun 26 Jan
ღ Its ROXY! * SPECIAL! HH: 125 QH:100 * Exotic, Sexy, Energetic,ASIAN TER ID#:149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
It's👋💃TUESDAY💼💻Are YoU Looking 👀 👀for ME😱Guess Who🎯💋Yes I am Back👌Incalls & Outcalls💣💨💢
(Orlando, Metrowest)
ღ Its ROXY! *SPECIAL! HH:140 Roses* Exotic, Sexy, Energetic, ASIAN TER ID#: 149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
It's👋💃MONDAY 💼💻Are YoU Looking 👀 👀for ME😱Guess Who🎯💋Yes I am Back👌Incalls & Outcalls💣💨💢 - 29
(Orlando, Metrowest)
ღ Its ROXY! *SPECIAL! HH:125 QH:100 * Exotic, Sexy, Energetic,ASIAN TER ID#:149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
INCALLS TODAY Only! Make the right call! No regrets w/ Angel ( 100hh / 170 fh ) - 23
ღIts ROXY! *SPECIAL! HH:120 Roses* Exotic, Sexy, Energetic,ASIAN TER ID#: 149607ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
Its Cold&Rainy; T.G.I.F. ~ AfterWork / BreakTime 60 * 100hh * IN Call ONLY~ Altamonte - 30
(Orlando, Altamonte Spr * Just Ask)
INCALLS!! No regrets w/ Angel.. =) Make the right call - I will ANSWER! No B&S; (80 /100hh / 170 fh ) - 23
JUICY @ND LUSCIOUS-- ( NEWPICS) SwEET like a TrEAt - Cum sink ur teeth in!! =)) (80/ 100 /150 fh) - 23
"BRUNETTE B E A U T Y *° AvAiL aBlE °**° RiGhT °**° NoW°* all nite long - 22
**(( BuStY bLoNde bOmBsHeLL ))** **(( 36 DD ))** **(( i'M BaCK!!! ))** - 19
❤️❤️❤️❤️60 SPECIALS★★ B_U _S_ T_ Y_ ___ RED HEAD __B_O__M__B _S_H__E__L_L★ - 23
(Orlando, ❤️💘INTERNATIONAL DRIVE ❤️💋💋)
✔️50$$Quick50$$•• ✔️((SuPeR SeXy)) •• ✔️((BusTy BlOndE)) •• ✔️(( You Won't Be Disappointed - 25
(Orlando, Altamonte/436 INCALL & Outcalls)
💛 💙 💜 💚 ❤ 💎 💋 💛 💙 💜 💚 ❤ 💎 💋 💛 💙 💜 💚 ❤ 💎 💋 💛 💙 💜 💚 ❤ 💎 💋 💛 💙 💜 💚 ❤ 💎 💋 - 18
(Orlando, anywhere in Orlando)
100 INCALL ❤ Are YOU Tired of the Monsters showing UP? ❤ 1st Timers Welcome ❤ Older Gentleman ❤ - 27
(Orlando, metrowest)
♥100 █ ♡ 160█ EXOTIC █ ♥ █ ♡ Sweet & Petite ::::::::::::: 》》 ((100)) *** FREAK ((Click Here)) ♥ - - 28
(Orlando, Altamonte springs incall)
(#1)-:¦:- BrAND NeW & ReAL---> ALYSSA -:¦:-U GeT tHe BeSt Of BoTh WoRLDs!-:¦:- SUpeR SWeeT! - 22
$100 No Rushing * Older Gentleman Only * Nice Sweet and Classy * Incalls & Outcalls ~*~ New Pictures - 27
$100 {{NEW}} -:¦:- HOT Latina Treat! -:¦:-{{WoW}} -:¦:-° $100 SPICY & DELICIOUS °-:¦:- Call NOW - 20
100 INCALL❤100% REAL & Up To DaTE PiCsTuReS❤No Monsters HeRe❤1st Timers Welcome❤Older Gentleman❤ - 27
(Orlando, metrowest)
°o★ DominiCaN TOuCH!!! - Best * Relaxation With * Sexy **latina - 25
REAwaken your FEARLESS WARRIOR, Regain your EDGE With a Doctor of EASTERN ARTS! - 57
(Daytona, Orlando, St. Petersburg)
★ Magic Minaj Therapy ★ Wonderful Relaxing Bodywork by beautiful Ebony Girl - 21
(Near Convention Center /International)
Sun 12 Jan
BRAND NEW__!! LooK===== ► (( SEXXY )) **BRUNETTE (( HOTTiE )) ◄ - 22
(Outcalls All Over)
Stop seaching you have found everything your seaching for! Satisfaction guarenteed! - 23
(Florida mall area, Orlando)
Let Me Relieve Your Stress 50/80 ~ Safe! Fun&Sweet; * Real Pleasure * Fetish Friendly - 29
(Orlando, Orlando i4 * Just Ask)
~!* Light GFEE... Details?? *!~ ** Im White, Indian, Mexican, Spanish, And Asian** - 18
(Int'L Dr. Convention Center/ Orlando)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TWO GIRLS - 20
Sneak away and come PLAY 💋 I'll be your WISH come TRUE - 31
(Altamonte Springs, Longwood, apopka,, Orlando)
Sat 11 Jan
New Girl In ToWn* The SweetesT You WiLL ComE By! Wanna Have Some Fun? CaLL NOW- Incalls*2girls - 21
(Treasure Coast, Ft Pierce)
_____ °°°°° All REAL... All YOURS... All NATURAL! »» Exotic Playmate Available NOW! - 23
(Orlando, Your place or Mine!)
Just the t-girl u been dreaming about! Caribbean flava 4 gentlemen! - 29
(Orlando/Near Oakridge an john young/host)
★ Ur UlTiMaTe Freak Come get this ★ S€x¥• BoD¥ All American BBW Here 4 u ★ 40 spl call now - 20
(Orlando, conroy)
*UP* ALL* NIGHT** JuICY @ND LUSCIOUS {SwEEt like a TREAT!} (NEW TER/ PICS) (80/ 100 /150 fh) - 23
ღ Try*ROXY*Now! 34Ds, Satisfying, SEXY ASIAN:) TER Reg'd 100% REALPics! ღ - 18
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) Alafaya)